
TCPIP trouble on IRIS
Starting TCPIP-services like FTP and SMTP keep failing on IRIS. The log file states that the procedure for the captive account could not be accessed sue to lack of privilege. There is no apparent for this, the user-entry in SYSUAF is OK, as well as the protection of the file including the full path. I compared it to the data on Diana, it’s the same except for a few system files on disk: These are owned by [1,1] (aka [SYSTEM] on Diana but by [1,1] on IRIS – which may cause a problem? I set all files to match the ownership as on Diana, but that won’t work for INDEXF.SYS since the file is locked as soon as the disk is mounted…
So the only option left is re-install OpenVMS on an INITIALIZEd disk – meaning I will have to redo all installations again. To prevent redoing all work, I made an image backup of the system disk first, so I can restore the files I changed in stead of re-do the edits.