
Moving blog files
Tonight I moved all blogs off the normally accessable locations into a place where the blog configuration files cannot be retrieved so easily. Not as text files, that is. You can access the files but they won’t show up as ASCII text since the extension .PHP causes the server to run onto the PHP engine to handle the file. The directory itself cannot be accessed since there is no mapping, so FTP-like access is now out of the question.
It all could be done without interrupting processing: Backup the directories to the new location, redefine the logical and remove the old files. Without restarting the webserver: remember it’s not the Unix Apache derivate named SWS, but the native VMS WASD server 🙂
Since the location like “sysblog” is a logical, referring to the blog directory first, and the WordPress code second, I only needed to alter the definition, on-line and in after that, in the startup procedure. The mapping to disk and directory wasn’t in the webserver configuration so that didn’t need an alteration. Therefore, I didn’t need to reload the mapping. No restart required either: being a eal VMS program, WASD can handle both searchlists and changed logicals on the fly.

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