
Native dynamic content
Work is progessing. The basic stuff (the old VAX modules) works, using the test program and definitions, but the HTML output stalls in writing a bunch of lines – the very same functionality that works in the test program. So this must be something minor. To be solved shortly 🙂 The first thing to do is the main page of the site, creating a more vivid appearance. To strat with data stored in RMS files – no real database to start with, but it might well do in some future development. RMS is fine for now.
seem to have occurred on the anti-spam working proces (0002 stopped by ACCVIO, 0008 started) and MySQLServer when accessing a newly added entry. It has been started by the watcher program – nice!
There have been several problems with the PHP engine, all the same:
%HTTPD-W-NOTICED, 25-DEC-2007 22:31:49, CGI:1969, not a strict CGI response
-NOTICED-I-SERVICE, http://www.grootersnet.nl:80
-NOTICED-I-CLIENT, aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
-NOTICED-I-URI, GET (33 bytes) /sysblog/index.php?p=161#comments
-NOTICED-I-SCRIPT, /sysblog/index.php sysblog:[000000]index.php (cgi_exe:phpwasd.exe) SYSBLOG:[000000]index.php
-NOTICED-I-CGI, 254445425547424F4F542D572D43484E2C2061737369676E (62 bytes) %DEBUGBOOT-W-CHN, assign channel system service request failed
-NOTICED-I-RXTX, err:0/0 raw:235/0 net:235/0

This is a nasty habit – a known issue within the PHP engine. The only thing I can do is recommend to retry – tomorrow…
Thete is a new patch for DECC – the C RunTimeLibrary – required for CIFS – AKA Samba – perhaps it will solve these (and other) issues – like there exist in MySQL. Who knows these crashes are gone when installed ….

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