Older version of Scipy: investigate building using Python

Searched for the versions I can use; latest versions are (as to be expected) based on Python3.x, so I’ll have to deal with an older one. The last usable is version 1.2.1 for SciPy, for NumPy 1/16/3 is the lastest and according the specification, that should work with Python 2.7 as well. But where to find that one? Asked on StackOverflow and got all of them
Next I put all packages in a working environment, and looked into the Linux/Unix makefiles how to build it, and asked on OpenVMS.org.
To build the packages, Python seems a requirement, so downloaded the latest disk-images for Alpha from the Python_on_VMS download pages and installed them, changed startup and login procedures and got it running. But following the SciPy building instructions, it doesn’t work:

Compiling /python_root/local/mpmath/libmp/exec_py3.py ...
File "/python_root/local/mpmath/libmp/exec_py3.py", line 1
exec_ = exec
SyntaxError: invalid syntax


Compiling /python_root/local/mpmath/tests/extratest_gamma.py ...
File "/python_root/local/mpmath/tests/extratest_gamma.py", line 50
print("%s ok;" % name, end=' ')
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

probably these are significant: it looks as if these are related to Python 3 or a test of balancing colors on screen. These need to be solved of course.

Next check how SciPy and Numpy are built: are C and Fortran used ‘under the hood’?