
CIFS installed
CIFS – or Common Internet File System – is usually known as Samba. This is the first official, HP-supported version that is to replace AdvancedServer on Itanium, but there is also an Alpha version – and I installed today. Since it comes in an PCSI installation kit, it’s just $ PRODUCT INSTALL SAMBA /DESTINATION=AXP083:[CIFS'] (Warned before, there is no default! You’d better specify).

There are some post-installation tasks but these are well described.
The installation procedures leave SAMBA$ROOT defined (/SYSTEM) so that part of your work is done; but you still have to startup the environment, and define your commands. Once that is done, edit SAMBA$ROOT:[LIB]SMB.CONF, and you’re done.
Well, not exactly. Usually, that would be enough, but if you run Samba in a cluster environment, there is a little twist: create a file SAMBA$ROOT:[LIB]SMB.CONF_<Nodename> and include it in SMB.CONF.
I have all definitions in the node-specific file at the moment but I assume it just needs the node-specific issues.
One thing to consider it what type of authetication you want. The documentation does specify some hints, default is “user” but that bypasses the SYUAF authentication. I tried VMS and it sems to work – but I found no reference to this in the docs on the Samba site, not in the ones supplied by HP.
But since the recommendation is to use either LDAP or TDB (Trivial DataBase)-based authrntication, and I don’t have done anything on LDAP, TDB was the way to go. An empty file does already exist and so I could add my own account.
Restarted Samba – and behold: the basics work. Not exactly what I wanted, but the start is done. Logging on a kind of public directory with all user directories – but my own was there – adn accesable.

Next is promoting Diana to be a PDC. Again, the documentatio doesn’t tell how – but an Interex VMS-SIG session on the subject supplies the requirements. These have been added, and one full 18Gb disk as an extra, public share. Restarted Samba (Sinf the configuration file was changed) and it all worked somewhat nicer – login directory is really SYS$LOGIN and nothing else, and the public share was available as well. I now could save some files off my PC – onto a share. It took about an hour to copy allmost 2GB…

Now it’s a PDC, I could try to add at least Aphrodite as a member into the domain. It starts alright, but at end the system (what system?) askes for a username, passowrd and domain that is privileged to add a node.
Whatever I add, it fails. Either the format is incorrect, or the user is unknown, or the password is incorrect…. To have at lest one user available for this action, I added myself to be Administartor – a built-in group. To no avail – it still is impossible to add a node to the domain.

I must have missed something here.

To be continued

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