CMS building issues

As it turned out: Backup of the development environment from Diana to Daphne should be fine, but in this case, synchronizing the Visual Studio Code- environment from the VMS environment didn’t work: it added version numbers to the files and added a whole bunch of messages. So I had to add the change I made on Diana – just two similar lines in one file – in the IDE, delete all files on Daphne, move environment to Daphne and upload all files – WGLIB first (after having noted a large number of “errors”, most are cosmetic (ENDSTRUCTURE should be END STRUCTURE, according VMS-IDE), others are simply weird; the package builds fine on both Daphne and Diana – so I left it that way – but mentioned it on the VSI Forum channel anyway.
Second I did the same with CMS – it went fine without a problem, building was no problem either. So I started running the tests – and these failed: the index (and data) files could not be found: The code does not take the configuration in account. To make that happen, it was required to move a number of definitions from the base programs to generic sources that compile into environment files: both the generic types and constants are now in their own sources, and wherever these definitions are needed, the sources have been adapted to this change. It took a few iterations but in the end all modules and some programs could be compiled and linked. But at some point, statements “rem” and “write” caused error. To find out what caused this, I created a small program but that that compiled nicely. However, adding INHERIT statement with the same environments as the failing programs caused compilation if this test program to fail as well. So that nailed the problem into one of these. As it turned out, it was caused by two enumerations in the TYPES file:
GeOpenMode = (READ,WRITE) ;
GeAccMode = (SHO, ADD, MFY, REM, LIN) ;

As long as these are within their original sources, where they would not interfere with the Pascal reserved words, they would do no harm – but now they are global, they cause problems.
Solved by changing then to:
GeOpenMode = (RD,WR) ;
GeAccMode = (SHO, ADD, MFY, DEL, LIN) ;

which is more or less clear, everything built fine.
Now I can start to pass data where needed.