
SA5300A manuals found
Searched for the documents on Google but fond just the release notes which didn’t help me further. Put a question on the VSI community forum and got another location. Messing with FTP settings, I couldn’t get them. Got some hints from the forum and tried on VMS – where access succeeded but getting the files failed:
FTP> mget *
227 Debuging Passive Mode (15,72,188,128,156,222).
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 0291-0799-A.PDF (52497 bytes).
226 Transfer complete.
local: DATADISK3:[000000.sa5300]0291-0799-A.PDF;2 remote: 0291-0799-A.PDF
52488 bytes received in 00:00:00.36 seconds (139.60 Kbytes/s)
227 Debuging Passive Mode (15,72,188,128,156,180).
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 0292-0799-A.PDF (47043 bytes).
226 Transfer complete.
local: DATADISK3:[000000.sa5300]0292-0799-A.PDF;2 remote: 0292-0799-A.PDF
47034 bytes received in 00:00:00.25 seconds (183.02 Kbytes/s)
227 Debuging Passive Mode (15,72,188,128,156,137).
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 13JE-1000A.PDF (43926 bytes).
226 Transfer complete.
local: DATADISK3:[000000.sa5300]13JE-1000A.PDF;2 remote: 13JE-1000A.PDF
43807 bytes received in 00:00:00.25 seconds (170.47 Kbytes/s)
227 Debuging Passive Mode (15,72,188,128,156,166).
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 239449-009.PDF (1527139 bytes).
%TCPIP-E-FTP_OUTPROCF, error processing output file DATADISK3:[000000.sa5300]239449-009.PDF;2
-RMS-W-RTB, 59509 byte record too large for user's buffer

after a minute or so, all the rest fails:

421 Service not available, Remote server has closed the connection
%TCPIP-E-FTP_NETERR, I/O error on network device
-SYSTEM-F-IVCHAN, invalid I/O channel

and the connection was dropped.
Restarted FTP session (no problem) and disconnected immediately. Now tried that file separately:

227 Debuging Passive Mode (15,73,208,136,156,184).
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for ACUXE126.EXE (3563523 bytes).
%TCPIP-E-FTP_OUTPROCF, error processing output file DATADISK3:[000000.sa5300]ACUXE126.EXE;1
-RMS-W-RTB, 61440 byte record too large for user's buffer

and after some time (1 minute or so):

421 Service not available, Remote server has closed the connection

Next I returned to FileZilla on my workstation, sure to set connection to be passive, and now I could get hold of all the files. Most seem to be obsolete, overruled by newer versions that are also in the list…But some are useful indeed.