
First check this year
Last mail statistics of 2022:


Rather normal….Even no large amounts of relay attempts either. So we’re heading into a new year without big issues on the VMS side.

Hardware however, is another matter.
Checked Dione’s trouble with disk access; First, booted from the installation disk, and I could access all disks, so I tried to make a backup of each disk, other than the system disk: there is a valid backup of that already), but during the first action, the backup process appeared to hang, but I could stop the system using CTRL-P. Further investigation today using a graphical console (removed one SCSI interface to install a video card) and use a directly connected VMS-keyboard, it became clear that the card itself has a problem – in the end, the card didn’t even initialize on boot, and >>>run bios pyao gave an error; finally, the card wasn’t recognized at all when booting the system.

Since I have not been able to access the manuals – the site that I found on Google does not allow download, not even on VMS… – I could not identify what is the meaning of the errorcode, nor the meaning of the LEDs on the card itself….So the only solution is to find a substitute.