
June mail statistics
PMAS statistics for 06
Total messages    : 4257 = 100.0 o/o
DNS Blacklisted   : 2929 =  68.8 o/o (Files: 32)
Relay attempts    :  111 =   2.6 o/o (Files: 29)
Processed by PMAS : 1217 =  28.5 o/o (Files: 32)
        Discarded :  437 =  35.9 o/o (processed),  10.2 o/o (all)
     Quarantained :  514 =  42.2 o/o (processed),  12.0 o/o (all)
        Delivered :  266 =  21.8 o/o (processed),   6.2 o/o (all)

Apart from those that were either blocked, discarded or quarantained, 29 messages that had an invalid (non-existing) domain) were trapped by SMTP itself. This is a test not yet included in the product, but I can live with that: it’s less than 1 % of all messages. It seems it was just a burst lasting four days.
Also, massages that are obviously spam, did slip the mazes because one file was included in the last update that shouldn’t have been there – as Hunter kindly admitted. After having this file removed, that was over immediately – though a few got through but Process has been informed and has adjusted the filter.
Webserver and related
that means: including MySQL.
No real issues here this month. Since load has dropped somewhat, and the 2008 bootcamp blog now hidden for search engines, MySQL is keeping up nicely – was restart ‘only’ 11 times:

MYSQL Restarted 2008-06-02 13:50:00.32
MYSQL Restarted 2008-06-02 14:05:02.44
MYSQL Restarted 2008-06-03 23:05:00.56
MYSQL Restarted 2008-06-04 00:20:00.18
MYSQL Restarted 2008-06-04 06:35:00.72
MYSQL Restarted 2008-06-06 12:50:00.33
MYSQL Restarted 2008-06-06 16:20:00.65
MYSQL Restarted 2008-06-07 01:50:00.11
MYSQL Restarted 2008-06-07 22:50:00.41
MYSQL Restarted 2008-06-17 10:20:00.78
MYSQL Restarted 2008-06-18 13:50:00.20

I’ve been trying to build a new 4.1 engine because this (3.x) version is not capable of some queries in the admin panel – nothing critical but annoying nevertheless. However, it’s still failing to compile, and I have to update the PHP-part to ECO-2 (it’s there but needs to be installed).

I tried te reverse the settings in the configuration file bot for some reason, MySQL failed to stop, and after killing the server process the hard way, it refused to restart, because a log file seemed to be of the wrong value. So I used the previous (lower) setings but increased bytecount and pagefile quota by another 50%. Just to improve speed. After that, the server started nicely.And it surely looks faster now.
Why it failed to react on myadmin -u <username> -- password <password> shutdown, I don’t know. It should, after 4 or 5 times, wouldn’t it?

Other annoying errors from the past have no longer appeared so at that point, it looks better. Pity the MySQL engine is the old one…

For the rest – nothing is wrong, though I have to look into some issue in WASD that I asked around for, but it seems I’m the only one that encountered the problem. On the web-access front, it’s the usual stuff: w00tw00t, proxy-attempts (to www.yahoo.co.uk), packages that are probed, attempts to exploited vulnerabilities in pacakges installed on their default locations….

Now and than there are the ususal assumptions that this is a (standard) Windows or Linix site. Just consuming CPU and bandwith (shame on them) but no harm done otherwise.
And once in a while, Goolgebot comes along and tries again to access a directory that has been deleted eons ago. The last attempt however has been June 6th, so hopefully it learned.

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