
WP2.6 test
Given yesterday’s trouble on changing the WP26 admin password, I retried from Aphridite. It may have been the left Shft key on the keyboard I use with Demeter – the laptop – that gives more and more trouble. It got even worse – I couldn’t even login with neither password: both gave me “Invalid password”.
I didn’t get as far as I did yesterday: drop all tables and retry; I simply requested a new password, got it, and I could login again. Now, changing the password DID succeed, no error – and I could get in with the new password (I checked using PHPMyAdmin).

Why it failed? I don’t know. I will try again, and again, to see wether a typo in chnaging the password would trigger it.
It has something to do with redirection, it seams. the server log states:

%HTTPD-W-NOTICED, 01-AUG-2008 22:05:58, CGI:1928, not a strict CGI response
-NOTICED-I-SERVICE, https://homedesk.grootersnet.nl:443
-NOTICED-I-URI, POST (26 bytes) /wp26/wp-admin/profile.php
-NOTICED-I-SCRIPT, /wp26/wp-admin/profile.php wp26:[wp-admin]profile.php (cgi_exe:phpwasd.exe) WP26:[WP-ADMIN]profile.php
-NOTICED-I-CGI, 5374617475733A203330320D0A582D506F77657265642D42 (2048 bytes) Status: 302..X-Powered-B
-NOTICED-I-RXTX, err:0/0 raw:1506/146 net:904/0

The ending: 302..X-powered-B could be the issue. It should read just 302, followed by carriage-Return and Linefeed (the two dots); but where the text “X-powered-B” comes from? There is no such text in the PHP code, and, where Javascript is involved, it’s in Stream-LF format and cannot be read in some way. I’ll have to do it by DUMP….

Well, once I could login, I could add an entry, add a comment… I have to get the new themes, I downloaded a few, and find out what’s nice, and if it’s worthwhile to upgrade. And I’ll have to write a procedure to run on install, because of the dots in the filename, being replaced by underscores. Although I asked for using underscore of hyphen, I doubt it will be adjusted…

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