
Babelfish’ed Spam
“Medicine” and casino spam has, for a long time, been sent in English of some kind. Obfuscated, of course, to fool spam filters that just look at the subject (some do). But these filters have improved and are now too strict for most and their messages get blocked.
Luckily (think the spammers) there is an online translators like Yahoo’s Babelfish or similar services, so the subject can now be written in the language of the domain it’s sent to. But Babelfish is not perfect and you get all kinds of rubbish. Clearly not sent by a native. It may only circumvent the filter (for a while).
Similarly, the sender name is translated as well. Mostly it’s rather straight, but at times it’s hilarious.

Not that it offers them an extra entrance at thios domain. These messages are still blocked – by their content aside sender and contained URL’s – and I see them only if I want to. IF they arrive at all.

(I haven’t tested it yet – but would a combination of “http” and “.exe” within a hyperlink now be blocked? I did make that suggestion)

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