
The performance tools have run after installation, but the procedurelog showed a number of errors, that I thought to be related to the previously installed verion, that I had to de-install before installing the new one. So I simply re-installed the product, reconfigured it and started it again. Next midnight, it started again and one day later, I got results, but niot exactly what I expected. Some problems got away, but others kept appearing. It now runs all day as it should, returning files, in all about 16000 blocks or 8 Mb each day (no big deal on a 18Gb disk) where monitor’s recording is by far the biggest contributor. But processing this big file gives a warning that should not occur:

(00:00:01) $ T4Extr T4_DIANA_22MAY2007_0001_2359_Mon.Dat -
/Csv_File=T4_DIANA_22MAY2007_0001_2359_Mon.Csv -
/Class=(All,NoScs,NoDisk,NoRms) -
%SYSTEM-W-BADFILEHDR, bad file header

It says Warning, but the resulting file is indeed missing, resulting in even more errors later on where these extractions are expected to exist.
Luckily, I’m here at the OpenVMS bootcamp, very close to the engineers that are responsible for the product. I told them and they will dive into it.
They have requested to get a saveset of the monitor output file, and I already had that on Demeter, so I zipped it to mail it to the engineer – but for some reason, it cannot be uploaded….
WASD acces logs as input
For serving the web, performance is a major issue, that’s one reason why I want to have T4 on the system. One source containing usefull information for this purpose is, of course, the webserver access log file: How many request were served in one minute, how many bytes have been transferred and how many occurrences of each status-group (100,200…) show up? I created a program to extract this data from the logfile into a CSV file that can be used in the T4-stack. It works:
Example T4 output but some extra work is needed before it’s fit to be released.

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