KootwijkerZand by GPS

After two weeks of snow, freeze and thaw – causing iced roads and paths hard to pass – we had a rather short walk in the woods and drfting sands near Kootwijk, using a GPS route I downloaded rather some time ago from the site of the Dutch State Forestry Deparment.
Most roads are free of slippery parts, but the inland road to the parking place was very, very slippery. Soon we found out that some parts of the paths were like icetracks as well. Since half of the route was over the open sands, it was reckoned to be rather easy to pass – and in some rspect, it was. but it was a shallow layer of sand that was frozen, and the layers below were as loose as ever, so the 10 kilometer walk seemed as heavy as a 20 kilometer one.
A few images have been taken to give you an impression of the wideness of the area – and I have published the tracks in Garmin, Generic and CSV formats.

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