Wekeromse Zand

The Dutch railways offer descriptions for walks from railway station to railway station. The main part of these follow part of a long distance footpath, and for most, you can buy a folder containing a description and map data. Most of these walks are between 15 and 25 kilometer in length.
This one, is different. I must have downloaded it once, cannot remember when, and re-found it by accident, looking for old, archived data. It is a route that requires a GPS unit, you walk from waypoint to waypoint, and follows part of a regional path – which one, I couldn’t determine. But the docs that I stored with it mentioned a 23 kilometer length.
On this very cold, but very bright and sunny day, we drove to Wolfheze, parked our car near the station and followed the waypoints across the natrure reserve “Wekeromse Zand” to Lunteren, where we just missed our train back. The weeks before, there had been snowfall and temperatures had dropped below -10 C, and today was no difference. When we set off, it was -12 C, but since there wasn’t any wind at all, it was a fine day for a walk.
About halfway, we anticipated to have a stop and a cup of coffee, but the establisment was closed so we added another kilometer to the walk.
The images I took on this walk can be seen here; the tracks are available in Garmin, GPS and CSV format.