
CommunigatePro Configuration 2


Domain to handle

The first thing to know is for which domain you want to use it. The package needs to know which domains it should manage - these MUST be known in the Internet's DNS - and, for web access, it will check the URL for the domain accessed.

Both must be mentioned.

Default, the program will come up with the domain it is installed in. For me, that is a sub-domain, so I changed that,renaming the domain:

Enter the right name in the box on the right, and hit "Reaname Domain". DONE!

Another approach is creating a new domain and removing the original:

Fill in your main and hit "Create domain"

To delete the internal one, first remove all accounts, then go to the domain to be removed and hit the "Remove domain" button. It's on bottom of the form:

Now, the domain is shown:

Specify aliases

Select this domain, you get the specifics on the domain. Select tab "Domain settings", at the bottom, add aliases. It's never a problem to add "mail.your.main.domain", and one named "webmail.your.main.domain", given you allow to access the server from the internet using that name, since the program will check the name. Hit the UPDATE button to store the addition (you can add just one at a time)

I added both:

 Define defaults for the domain

 More to the top you find default settings for each account in the domain: authentication:

and limits:

For authentication: If you define new accounts to change their password the first time they log on, be sure to have "Allow to modify" enabled!

Make storage default as feasible as you wish. "Unlimited" is an option on each! 



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(c) 2003- 2007 W. Grooters    Last updated 01-01-2008