
The programming continues
The program to handle dynamic contents is progeressing slowly – there are just a few hours that I can work on it so it’s just small steps that can be taken. At the moment, the basic IO is done, as well as basic initiazation for the program. Next is retrieving the webserver data that is rquired to get the right data. I still have to see what difference to use. Both the web’s domain as well as URL are possible as webname. For instance, either “www” of “sysblog” could be valid. This should propably be part of the initiatization module; reading the initialization file however is correct at this moment. I’ve choosen for a fixed file, specified by a logical, and if this is not defined, use a default name and default location.
Blog matters
Just found that, once again, the blog’s theme seemed ‘lost’ and so I had to re-enable the right one. Someting that happens sometimes…
An other thing that is found not working is VMS help, it’s likely to be caused by a missing logical. Until I solved that issue, the link has been disabled.
I don’t know what was wrong, but the link was simply correct. It might have been the proxy server at the site where I encountered the problem. So I enabled it again.
This morning, vamp.issinoho.com was online again, but tonight it seemed off once again. I’ll keep it offline (and ask Iain what’s wrong 🙂 )
Forum cleanup
Some bots lie to add “users” to the forum but the new software won’t allow their drug- and porn-related sites (and some plain malware-spreading ones) be shown. Removing them is now a matter of just a few clicks – and gone they are. Today, a two-week harvest of 49 bogus members.
Mail statistics
Total messages   : 3699
DNS Blacklisted  : 2356 = 64%
Antirelay        :  379 = 10%
Scanned by PMAS  :  964 = 26%
    Discarded    :  320 = 33% of processed, 8.5% of total
    Quarantained :  257 = 27% of processed, 7 of total
    Valid        :  117 = 12% of processed, 3% of total

That means that 3/4 of all mail is simply discarded (I never see it) and almost 90% of what passes the filter is to be ignored (except when it’s a false positive – there were a few last month).
Last month, 5 messages slipped the filter and were filtered off by SMTP itself.