
Bit by bit, the program for dynamic content continues. Small steps at a time since it’s just a few hours on some days, and none on others.
It required slight updates for already present library routines, though the vast majority just does what it should do. I only found a slight mistake in one of the routines interfacing to Mark Daniel’s CGILIB, and that caused a problem getting data from the server. This has now been solved, and at this moment, the retrieval of required server symbols works, as well as the basis configuration for both home and blog-definitions.
Next will be the initialisation of all reports. The basics are alrteady in use in the current homepage, actually a derivate of the testprogram for all reporting routines, where the texts are hardcoded. But all of the html code is saved as a report in the text library. There is no HTML-generating code in this program!
And that’s what I want it to be like.

Some thoughts are still maturing – not at all fit for implematation, but to give an idea:

  • Specify the order of the blocks to be used in generating the page
  • Write pages to memory and server from there (kind of cache). Most feasable for index pages, but it can also be used for normal pages. Perhaps multiple caches: one for indexes and and for pages
  • Make it a threaded application
  • Multiple handlers – which will require a global section where all data is kept: initialisation data, reports, caches…
  • make it a RunTimeEnvironment
  • Not necessaraly in that order. Give it time, it may, or may not, appear in a future release.

    (I noticed I have to adjust the specification of LIST items here – but that can only be done on the server itself, I have no access to the files via the web – for obvious reasons of security. In the mean time, I did some <font> specification, to make at least the text more readable)