
Webpage program getting on
Tonight I took some time to finish the first stage: All modules – though most are simply RETURN statements, because they will be coded later – do now compile and the programs links. But I cannot continue at this moment for one, stupid reason: Last update cycle installed SYS7-update and that breaks DEBUG: I cannot run an image built /DEBUG….This was first mentioned on ITRC, and the offending patch has been superseeded by SYS8; I got that already, but had no time to install it.
A second thing to be done than was an update of the home page program. I don’t want to update texts in the image itself, because it requires the program to be recompiled, linked, tested and copied. In stead, it’s easier to create a text file and have it read by the program.
It was rather simple, a very primitive (noy yet perfect) scheme: create a file “dd-mmm-yyyy_A_Title_You_want_to_be_displayed”, fill it with the text you want (including hyperlinks, and other HTML stuff), define a logical to refer this file (/SYSTEM) and that’s it: The program reads teh logical (and fails if it doesn’t exist – testing IS is a requirement), extract date and tile, replacing all underscores by spaces, and read all lines into an array, and output it using the reporting tools.

Biggest trouble was reading a file, created by EVE. But I though too much “error aware”. It wasn’t so troublesome after all.

The result is the current page – including the extension “.txt” in the header – I already said it isn’t perfect 🙂 – finished after midnight.