
It’s not PHPWASD!
Having some spare hours, I tried the same tests I did yesterday on the most basic PHP code that comes with MOD_PHP: PHP_RULES.PHP. It just this:

$ type cgi_bin:php_rules.php
echo "<HTML>";
echo "  <head>";
echo "    <title>Mod_Php Rules</title>";
echo "  </head>";
echo "  <body>";
echo "    <p>";
echo "    <h1 ALIGN=\"CENTER\">Mod_Php Rules !!</h1>";
echo "    </p><p>";
echo "    Resistance is futile....";
echo "    </p><p>";
echo "    <hr />";
echo "  </p></body>";
echo "";

Now THAT rules out any fancy stuff. But even that didn’t work – same problem as before.
To rule out PHPWASD, I did the same tests using plain, vanilla PHP.EXE. Again, old and new should not be mixed because that is asking for trouble (but now I got at least SOME idea what happened).
Again, using the ‘old’ PHP.EXE and PHPSHR.EXE casued no trouble at all, and using new PHP.EXE and PHPSHR.EXE gave the very same ACCVIO message – properly handled by the software. A mixture of old and new crahed PHP.EXE, but with different causes.

Because this rules out WASD and PHPWASD completely, the issue has been put on ITRC with this log report.
Without latest code, listings and mapfiles, or building tools it’s hard to find out. And time is a scarce commodity.

Why Mark has no trouble on any of his sites, is unclear…

To be continued