
(well, 17-May-2008 at almost 19:00, local time in the US)
Running the new PHP engine now for well over a week, and no HPARITHM errors so far, nor the weird DEBUG messages. But in accessing MySQL there are these messages in the admin panel:

WordPress database error: [Unknown MySQL error]
SELECT option_value FROM sm_options WHERE option_name = 'rss_0ff4b43bd116a9d8720d689c80e7dfd4' LIMIT 1

just before the WordPress Development Blog chapter, and these:

WordPress database error: [Unknown MySQL error]
SELECT option_value FROM sm_options WHERE option_name = 'rss_867bd5c64f85878d03a060509cd2f92c' LIMIT 1

WordPress database error: [Lost connection to MySQL server during query]
SELECT option_name FROM sm_options WHERE option_name = 'rss_867bd5c64f85878d03a060509cd2f92c'

occur just before the WordPress news header.

I tried to check this with phpMyAdmin, and found there that the current agent is, again, MySQL 3:

MySQL client version: 3.23.49

So I do have to rebuild the MySQL engine again.
But since the blogs have no problem with this, I leave it for now.