
Remote management
Due to my current assignment, it’s feasible to stay in a hotel for two nights a week; it saves me several hours of commuting for these days. driving to work is not a real problem: just over an hour – but getting back takes two hours at least, and when the weather forecast and reality means showers and lots of wind, like today, add 30 minutes or more. Staying in a hotel, though not perfect, is a reasonable alternative for these days.
So I’m sitting here, looking out over a windswept sea, and waves breaking on the beach just a few hundred meters away, and do my system management over the internet (I forgot to take my camera or webcam to show my current, magnificent view)

Mail statistics for September
Biased by the PMAS beta, where I lost statistics for the first 9 days due to an error in the program, this is the result of the log scan for September:

PMAS statistics for September
Total messages    : 4630 = 100.0 o/o
DNS Blacklisted   : 2989 =  64.5 o/o (Files: 30)
Relay attempts    :  130 =   2.8 o/o (Files: 30)
Processed by PMAS : 1511 =  32.6 o/o (Files: 30)
        Discarded :  596 =  39.4 o/o (processed),  12.8 o/o (all)
     Quarantained :  413 =  27.3 o/o (processed),   8.9 o/o (all)
        Delivered :  502 =  33.2 o/o (processed),  10.8 o/o (all)

In these statistices, about 140 quarantined messages, and about 210 discarded ones are not included, all received in the first ten days of September. I could count them, and the numbers have been stored, but I cannot access them at the moment. I don’t know if the number of the other types (DNS blocked, relay-blocked) messages are correct either for the first ten days – likely not included either. But from September 10th on, you may assume them to be correct. On first glance, the numbers are rather consistent with earlier statistics – so though the absolute numbers reflect just 2/3 of the month, the averages are rather well in line.

Now the real PMAS 3.1 is in place, so the October statistics will show the true state again.