
One version of WordPress
i downloaded the latest version (2.6.3) and moved all blogs to this version.
There are a few nasty things with this version: the password of the Trips, Tracks and Travels blog could not be changed; that is: the server returned “Non-CGI-compliant result”m on password change, but it WAS changed. I found out that I needed to log off where it would – probably – be activated, but as it turned out: just once; after logout, the password was, again, gone. No error message, it just didn’t show anything. In the end I copied the SYSBLOG password, hoping that that didn’t blow either. Now the password for that blog is all right.
The bootcamp2008 blog converted without a problem (came from 2.5, and 2.6 is a direct descendant from that version) and so did the Bootcamp2007 report (upgraded from 2.2.3). Login wasn’t a problem in either of them; why it did fail in TTT, remains a mystery. though it is found in the server log – and I remember to have seen it before:

%HTTPD-W-NOTICED, 29-OCT-2008 22:08:48, CGI:1928, not a strict CGI response
-NOTICED-I-SERVICE, http://www.grootersnet.nl:80
-NOTICED-I-URI, POST (28 bytes) /tracks/wp-admin/profile.php
-NOTICED-I-SCRIPT, /tracks/wp-admin/profile.php tracks:[wp-admin]profile.php (cgi_exe:phpwasd.exe) TRACKS:[WP-ADMIN]profile.php
-NOTICED-I-CGI, 5374617475733A203330320D0A582D506F77657265642D42 (2048 bytes) Status: 302..X-Powered-B
-NOTICED-I-RXTX, err:0/0 raw:1501/0 net:1148/0

So that is still to be solved.

There is a little problem with the admin page of the SYSBLOG blog: It shows an error in one of the panes:

Warning: Compilation failed: this version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UTF8 support at offset 0 in /sysblog/wp-includes/compat.php on line 94

Warning: array_slice(): The first argument should be an array in /sysblog/wp-includes/compat.php on line 95

Warning: implode(): Bad arguments. in /sysblog/wp-includes/compat.php on line 96

In this blog, it is caused by one incoming link, from the old SYSMGR blog on blogspot.com
Not a big issue; it’s a known limitation of this PHP engine….
What’s more: the problem with the dotted filename seems gone. In this version, I kept these filenames include the dot, and it simply works…

Now all blogs are on 2.6.3, so the older versions can be removed.