
New router
Just before Christmas, I ordered a new router, and after I came home on the last working day last year (Wednesday), I got the message the router was ready to be collected; If I only had that message BEFORE leaving the office – the supplier is more or less on my way home…
Anyway, this afternoon I got my new router, but before setting it up in the network, I did some setup, mainly the ports to be opened (all passing to Diana), some external ports mapped to standard ports (also on Diana) and some other additional setup: VPN, wireless, and matters on the internal network like the internal address. Of course, it’s a new address to be able to do the setup from a system in the network, and when replacing the Linksys router, the DHCP settings in Diana will need to be updated to refelct this change: It’s the default gateway and DNS resolver….. Or I’ll change the address when the router is separated from the network, before installing it. No chnages elsewhere in the network.
I’ll still have to do a bit of testing, but as far as I can determine, it looks fine. It works as an access point, anyway.
Replacement of the external gateway means I’ll be offline for a while – a short while, I hope. Somewhere next weekend, propably.