
VMS 8.4 fieldtest
I had the systemdisk of the “new” PWS updated to 8.4, by restoring the EFT backup saveset as a file backup – not /IMAGE and though all files would have been updated, it failed to boot, BUGCHECKing during boot since SYSINIT could not be found.
Bu now I have a bootable CD – being complete – I re-applied the update; just DECWINDOWS wasn’t updated. Update suceeded – and the system (Daphne) will now boot. It’s just that the connection to the network seems to bad, I think the network cable isn’t connected to the switch. The system will be moved to another location so the connection to the LAN is right, after that I can start testing clustering over IP.
Speaking of which: The emulator on the laptop (Eden) has been setup that way, but since Diana is on the same LAN, Eden will boot into the cluster using the standard method – without TCPIP. So Daphne needs to be on a different LAN, and it needs to be a different cluster to test. So I’ll set up Daphne first, and add Eden – the 8.4 instance – into that cluster. The new router supports VLAN – as well as the new router – so interconnectr between the two LANs should be possible.
VPN test
Connection fails in authentication. The Vigor logs shows PPTP as protocol, and that wasn’t configured that way. This is still under investigation.