
Bulletin Board

software has been installed and configured. I guess theer will be a number of forums, and the software allows it to be all in one database but I still have to investigate how to achieve this in a managable way. Since I don’t have all day nor every evening free to monitor and moderate the forums, it will be limited for the moment.

Forum’s I’m thinking of:

  • An OpenVMS forum – not a copy of well-known forums like OpenVMS.org but more focussed on small users. professional of hobbyist (in some cases, the difference is hard to tell). this should be an open forum but I want to have it free of spam – and that MUSt be secure and strong from the beginning. What’s in the HOW-TO pages will get in there, and it can be commented – whenever you like to use it. I’m not certain yet to make just one, where English its the language tio use (the advantage it can be more international oriented) or to make a Dutch one. Or both, but that would be a challenge to keep the in sync….
  • One genealogical one – on the Grooters/Groters family.
  • I have been thinking of a forum for a small skater-shop but I’ll have to look into that as well.

Each of them preferrably on a place of i’t’s own, the same way as this blog is located in the web – but I’m not sure that will work. One of those things to think about.