
Dutch OpenVMS forums have been set up.

Today I created the OpenVMS forums, configuration isn’t finished yet, but it will be – soon! I have created one for system management, one on networking, one on native programs and one for porting. Of course, this is just the start.

These forums I’d like to do in Dutch – because there are enough sites in English. Of course there will de data duplicated, and there will no doubt be information suitable for translation. But I have a full-time job and too little time to do all translations (Anyone who has time to moderate the forum, can contact me – the ususal way)

The same way I ” multiplied” the blogs from the testing environment. There was one issue, just my mistake: I didn’t copy the files in the [install.schema] directory to the right spot. Once that was done, creation went fine, but once again, config.php wasn’t writable (weird: both the file and the directory were write enabled. But perhaps the file should be deletable?

Once this is Ok, the genealogical forums on the GROOTERS family will be added to the system.

For this, I use MySQL 4.1 and the WASD PHP engine (that is basically a wrap-up of HP’s MOD_PHP for SWS), and the package I use is PHPBB2 – without ANY modifications.Â