
Maintenance as usual
Quite a lot of syslogd -lines saved: the new provider’s IPTV set top box spews out a lot of messages by default, and syslogd was set to output anything on the LAN to either the logfile, OPCOM or user. That causes quite a lot of extra messages when the TV was switched on. So I had to limit messages to be received from the expected addresses only – so just the router.

Mail was no problem, again.

PMAS statistics for September
Total messages    :   1409 = 100.0 o/o
DNS Blacklisted   :      0 =    .0 o/o (Files:  0)
Relay attempts    :     96 =   6.8 o/o (Files: 30)
Accepted by PMAS  :   1313 =  93.1 o/o (Files: 30)
  Handled by explicit rule
         Rejected :    817 =  62.2 o/o (processed),  57.9 o/o (all)
         Accepted :    169 =  12.8 o/o (processed),  11.9 o/o (all)
  Handled by content
        Discarded :    213 =  16.2 o/o (processed),  15.1 o/o (all)
     Quarantained :     73 =   5.5 o/o (processed),   5.1 o/o (all)
        Delivered :     41 =   3.1 o/o (processed),   2.9 o/o (all)

and only on 19-Sep-2021 there were a few attempts to relay, that are new to me:

  • Sent from and later stating to be “contact760474122@photoworld.co.uk” or without sender, sending to “berkimarinosti@outlook.com” (2 x both attempts)
  • Sent form stating to be me and sending to offmilied@outlook.com(2 x 3 messages)
  • apart from the ones that I usually see (and don’t care about because I know this one can is just legitimately checking ).

    CMS tested
    The CMS presenter has been tested – most problems just had to do with setting the right logicals. But it still logs a lot so that is still something to be limited. Second, I want the site to run under https, so I need to register the site with LetsEncrypt, and to adjust the WASD configuration to pass all http: to https:. This has been shown to work on the testbed, so when all this is taken care of, the new program will be installed.