De Bilt – HollandscheRading

A walk in an area rather close: 25 kilometers between De Bilt (Near the town of Utrecht) and Hollandsche Rading, on the boundary of the provinces of Utrecht and Noord-Holland. We had walked here before, but that route went East, to Den Dolder. We’ve been at Hollansdsche Rading as well, walking the Western part of the Marskramerpad (from Amersfoort to The Hague), and when following the Utrechtpad we had done some of parts of this walk as well.
But most of today’s walk – in cold, but sunny weather – was new. The walk follows the structure of the landscape: where waterways run SouthWest – NorthEast and meadows are rather narrow but stretch hunderds of meters in length, which is typical for the western part of the province. At Hollandsche Rading, the Noord-Holland area of Gooi, with it’s woods, marks the northern boundary of the low lands; And our way back followed the somewhat higher lands – drier and wooded; being the location of estates and manors – noblemen and riches – , in stead of farms and peasants.
I took some images for an impression, and, as usual, the tracking data is available in Garmin, general and CSV formats.