Amersfoort 750

This year, the city of Amersfoort celebrates it’s 750th year of existence, and one of the events was a walk along the city boundaries. It consisted of 6 walks of about 10 kilometer in length. Administration was in the Schothorst city park, and you were transferred to the starting point by bus; and each end of a walk was the start of the next. So you could start somewhere on the route and walk the whole 60 kilometers around the city, but you could choose to walk jsut a part and be transferred back to the park by bus when you got there.
We choose to alk the first two stretches, crossing the Zieldert polder, and along the river Eems, on paths that are normally closed for public.
I tracked our walk, but I doubt it can be fully followed today because of the closure of some parts.

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