Groene Hart: Oude Rijn, Hollandsche IJssel

A regional path that leads the wanderer through a lot of landscapes that are “typically Dutch” : Flat, green wet (lots of water), squeezed between urban areas: The lungs of the city. The route officially starts and ends in Delft, but since it goes round you can start anywhere.
To day we made our first stretch: the area along Ouder Rijn and Hollandsche IJssel: From Woerden by Montfoort to IJsselstein, just west of Utrecht – a walk said to be 20 Kms. We made it 24 – because signalling is at times missing, especially near Woerden, and at some places you really need the booklet. Or these tracks 🙂 – I removed the wrong paths.

As ususal, there si a pictural impression, and the tracks are available in GDB, GPX and CSV format