Leusden – Veenendaal vice versa

A walk of about 25 kilometers, following the Valleikanaal direction Veenendaal – but turning right at the end to return over the old railroad track. It was a bit of a guess, on the Dutch TOPO maps of my Garmin gear it did show a track, but it doesn’t tell whether there is a right of way.
The track exsists, all right, and when I didn’t had my dog with me, I could have taken the last part just before Woudenberg – but the sign said “no dogs allowed”. Seen from that point, I couldn’t have taken the path from Veenendaal either, but at that side,m there was no sign telling me so. At least, I didn’t notice.

It was a fine, rather warm day, with a lot of sunshine. Because most of the track on the dyke, and certainly on the old railwaytrack are shaded by trees, it wasl well doable. In wet weather however, parts of the tracks van be wet and slippery.

Here are pictures giving an impression of this track; also available are GPX and CSV files.