Lunteren – Overwoud

Another two walks, set up by Tourist Offices in the area: Lunteren and Overwoud. These are two loops that share about 300 meters we didn’t do. We simply crossed the street after having coffee at “‘t Hek”.
The route crosses mainly the rural area of the ‘Gelders Vallei’, the low area between the high grounds of the Veluwe in the East, and the Utrechtse Heuvelrug in the West. It traverses the outskirts of the veluwe just before Lunteren.
This area is famous (for better of for worse) for the vast amount of pig-farms. A large amount of these farmers had thier livestock killed preventively on the pig’s pest outbreak a few years ago. Still, there are a lot of large pig farms, some even expand.

Some images are presented, as well as the track in Garmin, GXP and CSV format.

(The track has been published in the booklet “Boerenvalleiroutes – Wandelen in de Gelderse Vallei”, by Veluws Bureau voor Toerisme, RGV/A+T Veluwe, 1999. This booklet holds some background information of the area as well)