
This is one of those little jewels you just run into: the GR120. We found it in a magazine, and though we had already done half of it quite some time ago and in a different direction (the western loop of the Krijtlandpad), the other loop is far more to the South and leads through the Belgian area named “Voerstreek” – Dutch speaking in an otherwise French-speaking province of Belgium. We looked down on the area when we did the Krijtlandpad, now we would get through it. As hilly as Limburg – if not more.
Officially, the route starts in Eijsden, one of the most southern places in the Netherlands, and leads to Teuven in Belgium; return is along the Southern route of the Krijtlandpad. But since we couldn’t locate a camping site at Teuven, but found one in Eijsden (though 5 kilometers off route…) we parked in Teuven, had our overnight stay in Eijsden and walked back the next day. As it turned out, there was a small camping site in Teuven, but since we already got there, we kept to our plan.
On our first day, we encountered camping Margraten, exactly on the route, but it didn’t allow dogs…

These are the images and track displays, an the full tracking data is available in Garmin, general and CSV format.


The most popular of all Dutch long-distance footpaths run from North to South, close to, and sometimes over the Eastern border: the Pieterpad – named from the start and finish: from Pieterburen in the high North, to the Pietersberg in the South, just oven 400 kilometers. It connects to the European routes that run through the Netherlands (E2, E4, E5 and E8). Other than these routes, that all have an ancient history, the Pieterpad has iit’s origin by Dutch walkers – two friends that wanted to create a long-distance footpath. Today, it has a status – You haven’t walked unless you walked the Pieterpad. The result is that the path can be quite crowded – not exactly what we have in mind …
Well, we can’t escape. There are nice walks to be done. Because the path is ‘artificial’, the neighbourhood of public transport has been part of the design.
To cover it all, this is the page to get to the images. Tracking data can be accessed from that page as well.