
No access?? No files??
A (likely to be minor) issue was found this morning.
Having enabled SSL on the operator desk, it seems the logs are inaccessable:

ERROR 403 – The requested action is not permitted.

Checking other direct-access directories, the same occurs. WATCH log indicates that no files are available; the mapping is correct, but files are not located. It might be that all files are indeed missing. This is to be checked!

Funny, though, that permission seem to be denied, where files cannot be found.

It turned out that access to the WASD logs wouldn’t work anyway since there wer no files left there. So I rerean the procedure that normally runs on Monday at midnight. This doesn’t just copy the files (whisch still existed in the WASD log directory) but also creates an index.html file. The WASD logs couul be accessed by that index file, but brwosing the directory wasn’t possible either.
So I signalled the issue on the WASD list, and created a procedure to do the same with the oprrator and FTP logs. That works fine, so the problem is solved. But it seems curious that using HTTPS (SSL?) implicily disables directory browsing…