
Licenses renewed
On 27 january, all VMS licenses expired, but the new ones had already arrived some weeks ago. But I didn’t install them yet, and the funny part is that I ran into a problem when I tried to login tonight: All services were still active and could be used – no matter what I did: Mail worked, the spamfiltered worked, there has been no trouble using the webserver…
Login interactively however failed – a connection could not be made using Telnet, nor SSH. Logging in on the console didn’t work either – it’s actually the DecWindows terminal, not a real console… – nor did ^P. But before doing anything else, I tried FTP to pass the licenses – and because all services were still running, that worked.
So using the RESET button and booting conversational was the only way to go. After booting, it showed licenses were expired – as expected – and I could simply launch the licensing procedure. After I revered the startup parameter, I rebooted the system.
Apart from a few missing, and wrongly defined logicals, everything canme up as intended. The few things things that failed were easily fixed – both intercatively and in the files – so that part is now fixed.

PHPGedView installed
To facilitate updates to the genalogical data, I would like to install a PHP program for retrieval and (logged in) update of this data. I had downloaded PHPGedView, installed it and tried to have it run. Alas, somewhere it crashes the PHP engine. That’s something to get into….

This partnersitye seems to be oggline again, so I disabled the link…