
More memory
I upgraded my workstation a few weeks ago: Swapped my NVidia-GX660TI based ASUS video card for a real beast (NViiea GeForce 1080) to accommodate two 4K screens. One is now added, the next one is scheduled to arrive next week. With the card came a game that requires at least 16Gb of memory, so I added 16Gb (2 x8Gb) more. This is way faster than the 8gb (2x4Gb) that was installed, so I do not (yet) run at full speed. It takes a bit longer to startup (POST will take some more time to scan the extra bytes) but it is anticipated the game will no longer hang the system because it’s low on memory.

Update ahead
I will need to update WordPress: A new version has just been released. Work for this weekend…